Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wildlife museum

Sometimes in life you have this overwhelming desire to take pictures with animals (or maybe that's just me) and they don't want to cooperate. Going to a wildlife museum solves that problem. Case and point all of the follow pictures. I had a ton of fun taking selfies with the animals as I'm sure you can tell from the pictures. 
Hey there Mr Bear!
Aww, look at the elk! Kisses!
Racoons, on my head?!?
Excited face and moose!
Aww, look at the baby!
This is our 'we're serious' face
He looks confused so I was confused with him.
Kisses little goat!
Last but not least is the buffalo jump exhibit. This exhibit is seriously amazing. If you are ever in town you should stop by the museum if for no other reason than to see this. Historically speaking, buffalo were chased off the side of a cliff by a man in a pelt and after the buffalo fell off the cliff, if the fall didn't kill them, the natives could kill the buffalo much easier than out on the plains.
Buffalo falling to his doom!
I had an amazing time in the museum. Life is what you make of it. Have fun anywhere you are, it's contagious and even if people think you are crazy (like I'm sure some of you are now thinking that about me) enjoy every minute of it.

God says "I am who I am" (Exodus 3:14) and since we are made in his image, I too proudly say I am who I am, that silly, weird girl that finds joy and laughter in all places.

Sending you peace, love, joy and laughter from Montana.

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