Tuesday, April 22, 2014

100 Happy Days - Swiper No Swiping!

Sometimes in life you come across something just when you need it. I like to think of it as God giving you a high five, saying 'yup, this way!'

As you may know, I get headaches or as my friends like to say "I'm keeping my headache on" since they often last for weeks or months without end. In the grand scheme of life, there are definitely a lot of things worse that I could have to deal with and I truly am grateful that this is all I have to carry. But sometimes I let the pain win. People say it shouldn't be a win/loose situation and maybe it shouldn't but the reality of the situation is still the same - it's me against the pain, who will win? Recently I've been letting the pain win; I never see it staring to win, starting to sneak attack. Then I look back and realize I haven't been that ridiculous, smiling, silly, giggly girl that I know I am. There are a ton of highly amusing things in life every day and when I realize I am missing them, something needs to change.

Sometimes it reminds me of Dora the Explorer when Swiper is sneaking up on her to steal stuff. Sometimes he snags stuff, other times he's thwarted. In the end, they always get their stuff back and Swiper is sent on his way with the simple words of 'Swiper no swiping'. Swiper responds with an 'Oh man!' and quietly sulks away, always to return another day. Yes I know Dora is a kids cartoon and not meant to be some great insight into Katie's life but who's to say its not still true? Pain is my Swiper; I'm not going to let him win. He will no longer steal my joy but I will fend him off by being conscious of my happiness. I know he will be back but I will be ready.

Yesterday while out walking I decided to make it happen, to focus on being happy, on the little things in life. Then today, I come across 100 Happy Days! it's a challenge, if you will, to find joy every day for 100 days and document them. You all know how much I like taking selfies so clearly I am jumping on board here. 100 days, 100 pictures, 100 moments of joy. So join me on the challenge with pictures or moments of your own or come find me and lets make some joy together. My pictures will find their home in my facebook album of #100happydays so check them out or check out people's joy around the world through all the social media platforms.
I was really happy to see some sheep yesterday which started this journey and highly amused to see the explosion of some of their haircut on the side of the road. (See top photo)

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